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Denver Watercolor Class Teacher Dennis Pendleton

Small Gems #3

Watercolor Paintings for Sale

Previously we talked about why and how to start collecting. Now the question is, "Can I afford to collect art?" It doesn't have to be expensive but, in this case size does matter. Over the past couple of years, I have set aside "small gems" which were demos and plein air paintings that I wanted to hold on to and learn from. I am offering these paintings at a very reasonable price for five days only! After which they return to their normal price. To view these paintings, click here.

These original one of a kind paintings present the opportunity to start or add to your collection. There is a thrill in the search for each new piece you acquire. If a piece of artwork means something to you, that's what makes it invaluable. As your collection evolves, your are creating a legacy that you can share as you tell the story behind each painting. Click here to view the artwork.

Even though you should always collect with your heart, you can still collect smart.

Watercolor Paintings for Sale by Dennis Pendleton

Watercolor Artist's Blog by Dennis Pendleton

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