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Denver Watercolor Class Teacher Dennis Pendleton

The Watercolor Brush

The watercolor brushstroke is important because it gives your painting your own signature and style. For example, brushstrokes can be used to unify large areas of color as I did throughout this sunflower painting. In the upper right-hand corner, I linked the background shapes and colors together with visible short strokes. Also in this painting, you can find the two-color stroke, the point stroke, and the flowing stroke. My class, "Expressive Brushwork in Watercolor", will concentrate on the steps involved in changing a photograph into a work of art. One of the steps will be to incorporate energetic brushwork as we learn and practice 17 different brushstrokes. Please consider taking this 8-week class, "Expressive Brushwork in Watercolor", at the Art Students League of Denver on Tuesday evenings at 6:00 - 9:30 p.m, Jan 8 - Feb 26. To register, you can contact them at (303) 778-6990 or go to their website at

Sunflower Watercolor Painting by Dennis Pendleton

Watercolor Artist's Blog by Dennis Pendleton

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