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Denver Watercolor Class Teacher Dennis Pendleton

Page From My New Book

Oxford Hotel Lobby - Denver Watercolor Painting by Dennis Pendleton

I am completing a book of Drawings and Paintings of Denver and this is one of the pages. The book will be full of images and history of my favorite Denver haunts. "Inside The Oxford Hotel Lobby" is the title of this painting and it was the interior lighting and the classic furniture that attracted me to this subject. The cast shadows tied all the pieces together in the composition and the lone figure was used as a focal point. Changes in temperature allowed me to use all the different grays in the walls and floor to contrast with the warm earth tones in the furniture. I am always talking about simplifying and I made sure that nothing was important enough to compete with the man reading on the couch. The two wing back chairs lead the viewers eye to the figure and the light from the lamp lights him up. Also notice that the lightest light is placed next to the darkest dark to command attention. As the book gets closer to completion I will show more of the pages. Happy Painting! Dennis Pendleton

Watercolor Artist's Blog by Dennis Pendleton

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