Hollyhocks At The Window

Hollyhocks grow in abundance in the high desert of Taos New Mexico and they are one of my favorite subjects to paint. In this case they show up nicely against the dark windows. Lighter colors like these hollyhocks appear to have more weight when they are surrounded by rich darks. Also, the green window awning and the green leaves complement the red and pink colors of the flowers adding to there importance. The door and the windows are strong geometric shapes which are counterbalanced by the loose and irregular painting of the hollyhocks. The Taos sunlight is famous among artists and the light and shadow on this adobe home were created by different values of the same mixture of cobalt violet and yellow ochre. I am looking forward to painting in my Taos Workshop in May and people are already signing up so, if you are interested or have any questions, send me an email. Happy Painting! pendletonstudio@gmail.com