Win A Free Painting
During these challenging times I truly believe everyone can do something. A little something, a big something, definitely something. So here is what I am doing. I am giving you all a chance to have fun and maybe win a free painting. No strings attached and nothing for sale, not that there is anything wrong with selling something.
Here is how it works: Look at this painting of sunflowers and decide which is the dominate flower. Hint, it is the biggest one. Now study the painting and look for all the techniques I used to make that flower the focal paint. Here are a few clues, size does matter, and so does location, rich colors, and directing the eye. I have identified 10 different ones and you may find more than me or less than me and you may even find some different ones. Email your list to me with your name and I will choose a couple of winners, yes I am the sole judge and jury. The winners will each receive one of my paintings for free. CREATIVITY COUNTS, HUMOR COUNTS, I must receive your list by this Friday March 27.
I tell my students to stop giving their paintings away for free and here I am doing that very thing. I think they will forgive me because this is fun and I am counting on it lifting spirits. I will announce the winners next Sunday so DO THIS AND HAVE FUN WITH IT. I look forward to hearing from you and Happy Painting. Dennis Pendleton