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Denver Watercolor Class Teacher Dennis Pendleton

Watercolor Advantages

Here are ten reasons I like working in watercolor.

1. Non Toxic: you are using water not oil and there is no odor

2. Very Portable: there are really nice travel kits available or you can put your own together

3. Very Affordable compared to other mediums

4. Great for Recording Travels: you can use your small travel kit to record memories

5. Watercolor has a freshness, spontaneity, and delicate, luminous quality that you can not get with other mediums

6. Very Easily Cleanup: all you need is water and paper towel

7. Watercolor Paint can be used over and over if you have a lid on your palette and a spray bottle.

8. Watercolor Paintings Dry Quickly, within minutes after finishing. Oil paintings can take weeks to dry.

9. Watercolor Works Well For Mixed Media in combination with pastel, pen & ink, pencil,

and printing.

10. The water, paint, and paper will do some of the work for you if you allow "happy accidents"

Happy Painting!

Dennis Pendleton

Watercolor Artist's Blog by Dennis Pendleton

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