Happy Holidays!

This bouquet is my way of wishing everyone Happy Holidays. I started with the biggest white daisy, which is mainly white paper, and created it by painting the surrounding colors. When I painted the other daisies, I made sure they were smaller, displayed from different angles, and contained less pure white. The lacy pink flowers were interesting to paint and I used small brush strokes, broken lines for stems, spattering and some untouched white paper. Then I created their shapes by painting a light color around their edges and faded that into the background. It's not a good idea to have everything equally important so some of the flowers are suggested by simple brushstrokes of rich color. I didn't want the glass vase to compete with the bouquet so I kept it simple with green stems and an indication of the rim and the waterline. By allowing the flowers to touch three of the borders, negative shapes were created and the composition was completed. This is the perfect time of year to set up a bouquet and have fun painting rich festive colors. Happy Painting! Dennis