Midnight In The Artists Garden Watercolor Painting
I am happy to announce that my blog was just chosen as one of the top 40 watercolor blogs on the Worldwide Web. This came as a delightful surprise and I even checked with my computer expert to make sure the award is legitimate. It’s nice to know that people are finding my website and blog.
This painting is one that I had been thinking about for a long time and the title Midnight In The Artists Garden refers to the garden in my mind rather than a specific location. I had been dreaming about a painting where large sunflowers towered over smaller ones and I actually found a version of this growing in a schoolyard near my studio. It is 40×60 inches and part of a large floral series that I have been working on for several years. I painted the two large sunflowers and then let my imagination take over as I completed the rest of the painting. To counter the hot colors in the sunflowers I used lots of cooler colors in the background and the darkest darks are indigo, one of my favorite rich darks. At its darkest Indigo is still a rich deep blue that I love to use to offset other colors. For me this painting has a lot of mysterious symbolism and I hope it stimulates the viewers imagination.

“Midnight In The Artists Garden”Watercolor, 40×60″, SOLD